We're hiring!

We’re a young IT company looking for “Unicorns” to join our team….”someone that is highly desirable but difficult to find or obtain”.

If you’re an eager, hungry, and motivated individual looking to join a young start-up with massive potential, then look no further.

Ideal Candidate: You LOOOOOVE technology and have a passion for IT and always want to learn, whether via company mandate or self-study. You thrive in a fast-paced environment while juggling multiple priorities and goals. You are a great communicator and understand the value of conveying clear messaging both verbally and in written form. You require minimal supervision and thrive when working independently but know when to reach out to and collaborate with teammates when needed to reach a resolution. You are confident in your abilities, but are humble enough to know that there is a lot to learn from others. You thrive under structure, but can be flexible when things don’t go as planned, all while having a great, positive attitude. You understand the value of customer service, respectfulness and being polite, all while being direct and to-the-point. You possess a sense of urgency and punctuality is an innate personality trait.



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